“Why is Kevin Hendrick in my room?” That was the first thought that went through the mind of Patricia Winegar, AVID/Business Education instructor at John Hopkins.
Pinellas County Schools Superintendent Kevin Hendrick was on campus Tuesday, Oct. 31, to present Winegar with a Standout Award for the work she does here at JHop and for Pinellas County Schools.
“Then simultaneously I thought, ‘I can’t believe I’m wearing a T-shirt that says, “I smell children.’” She added that it was Halloween, and she never wears T-shirts. “It figures this would happen when you least expect it.”
Winegar says principal Carlmon Jones, “had written some very nice things and had told me about the award. Some friends had relayed to me that I had been mentioned at a School Board meeting.”
She says her biggest takeaway is that Hendrick was able to see some of the great happenings at JHop.
“Incredible things happen here every day that there is no data for. I’m glad he was able to see a bit of that. Honored and humbled that he would take time for our class today and to come to Hopkins. I love it here.”